Daily journal of fitness, nutrition, workouts, and rants.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Good News
Now that I am back in training it is run run run. I did 5 miles last night right after it stopped raining. It was 66 degrees with over 80% humidity and I got to wear my bright yellow tank top. Finished in 46:22 and I felt good. 9 hours later I was back at it again with a 3.1 miles run. I felt fresh and full of energy even though I skipped diner. My diet has be pretty bad this week. I pushed hard to keep my pace steady and finished my 5k in 26:34 which is my fastest solo road 5k and my second fastest 5k time. It go me very excited about training and the Marathon is exactly 4 months from today.
Somehow I let something slip my mind yesterday. My 2 year anniversary since the start of my first challenge. I am 2 pounds light today than then but stronger and faster. Ellen told me yesterday she wants to start a new challenge Monday and I am super glad. I plan to do one with her except I will be doing 4 days cardio and 2 days strength training a week. Also, Ellen might have a job lined up starting in January when we get back from Reno.
Marathon Training Day 3 Week 1
I can't remember if I mentioned it but after my half marathon my big toes were super sore. Since I land on my front foot when I run, and mid-foot when I get tired. During the Half my toes were cramped against the front of my shoes and rubbing. I went to a running store to get sized and fitted yesterday and found out my current shoes and too short and too narrow. My left foot is a 9.5 and my right foot is an 8.5 and they recommended going up a full size for marathon running since your feet swell. I also found out losing toenails is pretty common. I lost my left big toenail 3 weeks ago. Here is a picture of my healing progress. The day of race, 2 weeks later, and 6 weeks later (today). My new phone has a better camera.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Marathon Training Day 2 Week 1
Marathon Training Started
Tonight: 5 miles
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Chest/Back Superset & Shoulders
Highest weights of each group.
Decline Press 240 x 6
Upward Row 240 x 6
Chest Flys 190 x 10
Pulldowns 185 x 10
Incline Press 150 x 15
Seated Row 165 x 15
Side Raise 60 x 6
Front Raise 60 x 6
Shrugs 130 x 12
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Compressed Arm Workout
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Feeling Good
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Run to Rosa's
Solution: Worked until 4:30pm and cut the day short to 10.5 hours. Run from my parents house to Rosa's giving just enough time to get there.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
5 miles Treadmill
Friday, December 2, 2011
Bicep/Tricep Supersets & Forearms
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Cardio + Abs & Glutes
Today was the last day of MOvember

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Treadmill 5K
Chest, Shoulders, & Back
I had an awesome strength training workout last night. I mixed BFL style with my supersets on Chest shoulder and back. I was done by 8pm and in bed by 830. I slept from 9pm to 7am and I feel awesome today. I fixed my blender that had been out of commision for a few weeks and that is going to help me get back on track.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Arms & Abs plus Treadmill
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Solo Turkey Trot
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Elliptical Taba Sprints
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Run and Racquet
I don't want tomorrow to be another X on my workout calendar. I have 7 X's on my calendar since mid-July (4 months). Three of them are 2 funerals and the other 4 are from sleeping in or being lazy. I guess missing today would be ok but I would like to atleast get in a short cardio session or a LBWO. Turkey day will no doubt include some extra calories. I washed all my workout clothes and I am brining them with me. I plan to run Thursday morning and get in a weight workout with Ellen on Friday (she promised). As you might noitce I am typing more than usual. I started drinking coffee again last week after a 3 month break.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Chest, Shoulders, & Back
34 Minutes
Decline Press (Plate Loaded)
4 Sets 6 Reps
Set 1: 140
Set 2: 190
Set 3: 210
Set 4: 230
Bentover Barbell Row
4 Sets 6 Reps
Set 1-4 90lbs
Chest Press (Cable)
4 Sets 10 Reps
Set 1: 125
Set 2: 135
Set 3: 145
Set 4: 155
Fixed Cable Pulldown
4 Sets 10 Reps
Set 1: 125
Set 2: 135
Set 3: 145
Set 4: 155
Incline Press (Plate Loaded)
4 Sets 15 Reps
Set 1-3: 140
Set 4 (10 reps): 150 (6 reps) 140 (4 reps)
Upward Row (Plate Loaded)
4 Sets 15 Reps
Set 1-2: 140
Set 3: 160
Set 4: 180
Side Raises (Dumbbell)
4 sets 6 reps
Set 1-2: 25 each hand
Set 3-4: 30 each hand
Front Raises (Dumbell)
4 sets 6 reps
Set 1-3: 25 each hand
Set 4: 30 each hand
Shoulder Shrugs (Dumbbell)
1 set 12 reps
Set 1: 100 lbs

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Unhealthy Eating
Breakfast: 9am Subway
Footlong flatbread, steak, bacon, eggwhite, shredded cheese, tomatoes, chipotle sauce
1200 cals
Lunch: 3pm Sonic
Grilled cheese sandwach, Jr. bacon cheddar toaster melt, pumpkin pie shake
1502 cals
Dinner: 10pm McDonalds/Del Taco
2 McChicken Sandwiches (no mayo), 1lb Macho Chicken Burrito
1540 cals
4242 total cals
1/2 pot of coffee at work
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
It's official! I am going to train for a Full Marathon!
"You have the motivation and desire so definitely go for it. Your schedule looks fine. This week I would be stretching every day. You should be only muscle sore and maybe a few blisters. Marathon training is consistency. Staying healthy and making sure you get your long run in. You will be putting much more of a demand on your body so make sure you recover after a long run. Good sleep is a must and listen to your body. Very doable. Congrats again and good luck on your training."
I am motivated and I figure, why stop now? It is going to be dark all the time anyway and there is nothing better to do at 5am (except maybe sleep). I am following a training program by Hal Higdon again and plan to start on Monday. My right quad is still sore and my toes and bruised and blistered. I plan on getting some wider shoes that fit me better to avoid injury. I got Ellen's permission as long as I get new shoes. I can't argue with that. There is a 10 mile trail run on December 10th at the Lake Ray Roberts just north of Denton. I am excited and looking forward to continuing after this week off.
Also, My training program calls for a 13 mile run on the weekend of January 15th. I used http://www.runningintheusa.
River Road Run (13.1M run, 4mi fun run) New Braunfels, TX Sun Jan 15, 2011 (They might have it in 2012?)
Chevron Houston Marathon (26.2M run, 13.1M run, 5K run, kids run) Sun Jan 15, 2012
109 days until the Cowtown Marathon (2-26-12) http://www.cowtownmarathon.org/
"Daily lives are often about "the grind" - work, kids, chores, obligations, repeat. Focusing on training for this marathon, and thinking about how incredibly long it is, is about freeing your mind and letting your body follow. It's about pushing through the hill and the next hill. And it's about going out on a run while fighting 30 mph winds. It's about looking outside knowing the temps are in the 20s and still lacing up the shoes. It's setting aside "me" time to get my training in so that I can accomplish my goals for this race." - Jamie Laposta
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Here are some fun charts that summarize my training and running since I started.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
DRC Half Marathon

Here is the log from my GPS watch. You can see on the bottom tip of the map at the corner of winstead and garland road where I accidentally stopped my watch reaching for the MP3 play in my belt.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Training Day 3 Week 12 - Final Training Run
Mile Time Pace
1 2.22 20:35 9:16
2 2.01 17:32 8:42
3 2.00 16:45 8:22
4 No Watch
5 2.00 16:48 8:23
6 2.00 16:32 8:16
7 2.00 15:51 7:55
8 2.00 15:35 7:48
9 2.00 16:10 8:04 (Sick)
10 2.00 15:15 7:38
11 2.00 15:34 7:47
12 2.00 14:57 7:29
4:57am Before

5:29am After

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Training Day 2 Week 12
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Challenge 4 Final Pics/Stats
10-30-11: 173.6 lbs 14.8% body fat
12 week goals:
Lose 8-10 pounds of fat (Lost 10 pounds of fat)
Chest 10 inches bigger than waist (8.25 inch difference)
Average running pace under 9min/mi (Averaged 9min/mi in 4 run of week 12 and 9:06 for the month of October)
Gain 1/2 inch on arms (1 inch gain)
Complete 95-100% of my workouts (Completed 100% plus a few extra)
Limit unhealthy/processed food to every other free day (Did really good until week 8-9)
Run a half marathon at end of Week 13 (7 days away)

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Training Day 4 Week 11
Elliptical 15 minutes. 5 minute warm up and 2 rounds of tabata sprints.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Training Day 2 Week 11
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Training Day 1 Week 11
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
C4W11D5 - Chest/Back Superset + Shoulders 3
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Training Day 3 Week 10

"The Flowers never bend with the rainfall." - Paul Simon
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Quote of the Day
Training Day 2 Week 10
For some reason I want to post in pictures today. Got in my 2mi run in 15:15.
I used my EAS $10 coupon on a 2lb of 100% Whey. Only $14.99
I was early to work today and watched the sun rise from my cubicle.
Updated my training spreadsheet and had my meal 2.