Daily journal of fitness, nutrition, workouts, and rants.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Challenge 4 Final Pics/Stats
10-30-11: 173.6 lbs 14.8% body fat
12 week goals:
Lose 8-10 pounds of fat (Lost 10 pounds of fat)
Chest 10 inches bigger than waist (8.25 inch difference)
Average running pace under 9min/mi (Averaged 9min/mi in 4 run of week 12 and 9:06 for the month of October)
Gain 1/2 inch on arms (1 inch gain)
Complete 95-100% of my workouts (Completed 100% plus a few extra)
Limit unhealthy/processed food to every other free day (Did really good until week 8-9)
Run a half marathon at end of Week 13 (7 days away)

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Training Day 4 Week 11
Elliptical 15 minutes. 5 minute warm up and 2 rounds of tabata sprints.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Training Day 2 Week 11
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Training Day 1 Week 11
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
C4W11D5 - Chest/Back Superset + Shoulders 3
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Training Day 3 Week 10

"The Flowers never bend with the rainfall." - Paul Simon
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Quote of the Day
Training Day 2 Week 10
For some reason I want to post in pictures today. Got in my 2mi run in 15:15.
I used my EAS $10 coupon on a 2lb of 100% Whey. Only $14.99
I was early to work today and watched the sun rise from my cubicle.
Updated my training spreadsheet and had my meal 2.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Quote of the Day
Training Day 1 Week 10

Monday, October 17, 2011
C4W11D1 - Bicep/Tricep Supersets & Abs Part 3
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Training Day 4 Week 9 (FWRC Mercury 10K)
3rd place in age group
25th of 87 overall
I signed up because it was only $8 and my half marathon training program called for it. I won a raffle for a $10 gift certificate from the photographer and received a 1939 dime for 3rd place.

Yesterday's 10K club run was so much fun. It was a nice cool 64 degrees when it started. I spent most of Saturday in a mental battle trying to avoid unclean food that would cause me to bloat as I wanted a pretty light weight for my run. I would say I ate 80% clean and ended up at 177 which is only 5 pounds for than Thursday morning and not bad considering I ate some bad food Friday night. I ate an apple an hour before and a banana about 20 minutes before the race. I did my best to stay hydrated and ended up having to pee really bad during the 45 minute drive to Trinity park. I started off the run listening to System of a Down and ended up going at too fast a pace. I found a good steady pace and got to the halfway in 27:xx and decided I had plenty of energy left. After mile 4 I told myself " This is the last time you have to run until Tuesday. Give it all you've got." I picked up the pace and just focused on the beauty of my surroundings and every so ofter checked my watch to make sure I didn't slow down. In the last mile I caught up to two runners and just pushed as hard as I could and ended up finishing in 54:47. My goal was under 56 minutes and my previous time was 59:12. I ended up 3rd in my age group and 25th of 87 overall. I am now even more excited about the half marathon in 20 days.

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday part 2 (Indoor Rock Climbing)
Quote of The Day
Friday, October 14, 2011
C4W10D5 - Chest/Back Superset + Shoulders Part 3

Yesterday I got a text from my sister asking me if I had tried my favorite food porn from the only fast food restaurant that I have not been able to give up completely. In the past I would have craved said item just from the mention it but instead I emailed her that I had indeed tried it and had 2 at a time 3 or more times last fall during my "10k training" and I went on to explain that each one is 490 cal 15g fat 70g carbs and 18g protein. I explained how to modify it to make is less carb loaded then told her about giving up grains. She asked to borrow my Paleo book but instead I just bought her a copy on Amazon. I am always willing to buy people copies of Body For Life, Power of Now, and most recently The Paleo diet.

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Training Day 3 Week 9

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Training Day 2 Week 9

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Training Day 5 Week 8
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Training Day 4 Week 8
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Training Day 3 Week 8
I did my last 4.5mi training run this morning in 41:41. For the next 3 weeks I will be doing 5mi every tue/thur. I was bummed out the last 2 days but today I feel rested and revived. I jumped on the "RNG" this morning to record my weekly weight and it showed a number I have only seen twice, once during my first challenge and once when I got sick, 172 lbs. I am down 11.8 pound and 3.6% body fat. If I lose 1 more pound I will be at the lowest weight of my adult life. What is exciting to me is I have been focusing on running, lifting, and eating Paleo and my weight has been just a side note that I do not put too much focus on anymore. I am working up the courage to cancel my appointment at the Chiropractor tonight. I called yesterday to say Ellen could not make it and I wanted to reschedule but the receptionist was unwilling to move it to November 4th and said she would just note that she can't make it. I have read that Maximized Living networks is a scam.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Training Day 2 Week 8

I have decided to start going to yoga again. I was going for 4 months straight and I felt great. I know the chiropractor is going to try to convince me to do some long expensive rehab program and I am getting the impression I won't be able to run. I am suppose to go back tomorrow evening but the paperwork says my spouse must be there and Ellen will not be in town until late. I am planning on rescheduling my visit 4 weeks from now so we can both be there and I can finish my half training. My back pain is less than a third of what it was back in November and yoga helped almost eliminate it. I am glad I know my spine is curved due to Scoliosis and I will find a different chiropractor to get a second opinion this winter.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In other good news I just got an email saying Ellen ordered the Gymboss interval timer from Amazon.com. She did not tell me about this but she has really been into the BodyRock.TV workouts.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Training Day 5 Week 7