This morning I did my first "barefoot" 10k run in 56:34. I got started two hours earlier than last Saturday and it was 76f with 72% humidity. In June I ran 35.65 miles with an overall average pace of 8:49. My fastest month since April of 2011 when I was running with Ranson and my shortest distance since last July. Part of my new years resolution was to run 1000 miles this year in memory of my Uncle Jack. 375 miles down and 625 to go. My injury in February set me back but I start marathon training in 5 weeks so my weekly volume will go back up.
Daily journal of fitness, nutrition, workouts, and rants.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
16 Weeks under 172
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16 Weeks under 172 |
Back in February I broke my nearly 2 year long plateau of 172 pounds. It was just 3 days before I injured my knee during a long training run that ended my Marathon training right at the halfway point. 6 week later I dipped below it again and have managed to stay under 172 due to giving up bread and embracing a Primal/Paleo diet.
Since September 2009 I have used a "Ceiling Weight", a weight I won't let myself get above and take action if I reach it. Last August I decided that 190 was not serving me well and a 15+ pound weight fluctuation was too much work so I changed my ceiling weight to 180 pounds right at the start of training for my first Half Marathon. It changed the way I treat myself nutritionally and other than a bad weekend in December I have managed to stay below 180.
After eating bread at Easter after giving it up for 40ish days for lent I decided 170 would be my new ceiling weight. I developed this idea after reading the book Racing Weight and calculating my idea running weight is 160ish and it said to not let yourself gain more than 8% in the off-season.
I want to continue to improve my fitness and leaness instead of just undoing a few weeks to months of poor nutrition. Right now I am just above 12% body fat and my long term goal I set in October 2009 is below 10%. I start training for the Dallas "White Rock" Marathon in 5 weeks and plan to be in my ideal racing weight to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.
16 weeks of success down and 23 weeks until the Marathon.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
C5W3D4 - HIIT/5K
This morning I could not decided if I wanted to run a 5k or do a 20 min BFL style HIIT workout. I ran out of steam after 3 miles on my "long" run on Saturday. I had been running less than 3 miles a run for 3 weeks. I decided to run for 2 minutes before I decide which workout to do.
I started out my run around a 9 minute pace and decided to do intervals. I felt heavy as I ran but had extra energy. I was able to get under an 8 min pace during minute 6 while running uphill. After my second 4 minute set of intervals I was at Shady Oaks drive and decided to keep moving forward instead of turning around committing myself to a 5k loop. It felt cooler running on the dark empty road. I ran my 3rd set of intervals a little faster. During the last set I was determined to maintain under a 6:45 pace (my goal pace for the Rahr 5k) for the 1 minute high point. I got up to 6:33 then I did my 1 minute cool down finishing my 20 min HIIT workout in 2.44mi. My previous best was 2.26mi two weeks ago.
Seeing a new outdoor 5k time in reach I pushed hard as I got on the grass along Loop 288. I maintained a 7:45 pace until 2.95mi when I noticed I was slowing down. I gave all I had left finishing at a 7-7:30 pace hitting 5k in 25:20 just 17 second slower than my best outdoor 5k. Part of my New Years Resolution was to run a 5k under 25 minutes. I have done it on the treadmill but not outdoor yet.
Next Thursday I WILL beat my 5k time while setting a new HIIT distance as long as July 4th does not get in the way. Maybe I should switch my 2 mile Tuesday with my HIIT Thursday workouts.
I started out my run around a 9 minute pace and decided to do intervals. I felt heavy as I ran but had extra energy. I was able to get under an 8 min pace during minute 6 while running uphill. After my second 4 minute set of intervals I was at Shady Oaks drive and decided to keep moving forward instead of turning around committing myself to a 5k loop. It felt cooler running on the dark empty road. I ran my 3rd set of intervals a little faster. During the last set I was determined to maintain under a 6:45 pace (my goal pace for the Rahr 5k) for the 1 minute high point. I got up to 6:33 then I did my 1 minute cool down finishing my 20 min HIIT workout in 2.44mi. My previous best was 2.26mi two weeks ago.
Seeing a new outdoor 5k time in reach I pushed hard as I got on the grass along Loop 288. I maintained a 7:45 pace until 2.95mi when I noticed I was slowing down. I gave all I had left finishing at a 7-7:30 pace hitting 5k in 25:20 just 17 second slower than my best outdoor 5k. Part of my New Years Resolution was to run a 5k under 25 minutes. I have done it on the treadmill but not outdoor yet.
Next Thursday I WILL beat my 5k time while setting a new HIIT distance as long as July 4th does not get in the way. Maybe I should switch my 2 mile Tuesday with my HIIT Thursday workouts.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Winston and Ellen joined me at the start of my run this morning. I get so much energy from having Ellen join me when I exercise. I did 2.25mi outdoors in a 20 minute BFL style HIIT session. I jogged an extra 0.1mi with Ellen & Winston after my 20 minutes was up.
I have lost 3.2 pounds of fat in the past two weeks. I am 4.8 lbs from my goal I set nearly 3 years ago.
I have lost 3.2 pounds of fat in the past two weeks. I am 4.8 lbs from my goal I set nearly 3 years ago.
2 years Workout Calendar
On June 21st 2010 I start tracking my workouts in a calendar I made. If I missed a planned workout I put a nice big X now my calendar is 2 years old and I find it neat that the halfway point was our wedding.
Last night I asked Ellen, "Do you think I missed more workouts before or after our wedding?" She said before. Sure enough....
Since the week after our honeymoon I have missed 9 planned workouts (I don't count the X's from the week after our Honeymoon.)
I have attached two calendars June 2010 to June 2011, and June 2011 to June 2012. Checkout the number of X the year before the wedding....
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Motivation Level 10!
I am back up to a motivation level 10 right now. Lifting heavy and 100% BFL style, running short distances fast, nutrition is 100% and 60-80% on weekend. I have decided to cutt out alcohol after our 1st Wedding Anniversary and trip to Colorado. I plan cut it out the first 6-8 weeks of my Marathon training start August 1st.
Running last night has motivated me to set and new goal. Something to push me for the next 14 weeks. My very first 5k was the Rahr 5k in September 2010. I ran it again in September 2011 and have not run a 5k race since then.
"I want to place in my age division at the upcoming Rahr Oktoberfest 5k in late September. A 21min 5k should get in the top 3 or 5 in the male 25-29 based on the results from 2010 and 2011. Right now my fastest treadmill 5k is 23:48 and my outdoor is 25:02 (but that was 5 months ago). I think I would have to run 6:45 per mile and right now my fastest one miler is 7:11 (two months ago) and 6:56 on the treadmill last month."
I texted him my new 5k goal today and he said, "I'll have to train up to that pace but I am down to run it with you." I told him where I am now and he said, "I think a 21 is my best when I ran all the time. We have plenty of time." 14 weeks to train...
The icing on the cake is he lives right by my old running buddy Ranson who helped me get faster AND my friend Eric who trained with me in March/April when I was nursing an IT-Band issue.
There is a nice park located close to all their houses. I would LOVE to get the group together for a run!
This morning it was hard to get out of bed. I said to Ellen, "Think beyond the present moment." We both got up, got dressed, and got to the gym at 5:30am. My workout lasted 43 minutes and Ellen did as much as she could without using her left wrist.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
C5W2D2 - 2mi PR
After work I went stopped by the Sun & Ski Sports at Grapevine Mills Mall to exchange my VFF Bikila LS for a smaller size. I did a test sprint up on Saturday and decided they were too big on my right foot. My left foot is bigger than my right. I found the box from my first pair and saw they were a 42 and my new ones were a 43. I got home and decided I want to do a real test run. I slide on my shoes, slapped on my garmin watch, and headed outside. It was 87 degrees, humid, with a 20-25 mph wind. I decided to do my usual 2 mile out and back. I pushed myself a little and finished mile 1 in 7:25 without feeling like I was dying. I decided to keep pushing and try to set a new PR. By 1.5mi in the heat was getting to me but I kept going. I sped up a little the last 0.2mi finishing in 14:55 beating my old PR by 2 seconds.
The Speed and Bikila LS have the same tread.
A little tighter around the toe box than the Speeds
We both have 2 pair now. From Left to Right; Men's Speed and Bikila LS, Women's SeeYa and Spyridon LS
I want to place in my age division at the Rahr Oktoberfest 5k in late September. A 21min 5k should get in the top 3 or 5 in the male 25-29 based on the results from 2010 and 2011. Right now my fastest treadmill 5k is 23:48 and my outdoor is 25:02 (but that was 5 months ago). I think I would have to run 6:45 per mile and right now my fastest mile is 7:11 (two months ago) and 6:56 on the treadmill last month.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Due to rain I did not get my yard work completely finished this weekend so I am taking today off to finishing mowing and trimming branches before the Code Enforcement follow up inspection. No excuse to miss a workout...

Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday morning I overslept and missed my my window to get in my run. We went to a Texas Rangers game Friday night and did not get home until late. I woke up at 8:45am and had to swing by the Farmers Market by 9am so we could get to Dallas by 10am to pickup 2 new chickens.
I slept in today too and miss out on a nice cool morning. Ellen cooked a wonderfull breakfast and we got started in the yard. We put some temporary netting on our new chicken run so the new pullets could have some extra space. Around 2:30 pm I could see a storm coming from the west. We switched to doing yard work before the rain came. It cooled off about 10 degrees so I decided to get in a run before the rain.
I headed to the LA Fitness parking lot to start my usual 2 mile route. Less than half a mile into it it start sprinkling and by 1 mile it was raining. I ran thru it feeling and alive and refreshed by the rain drops. I was very thankful to get the oppurtunity to run without all the heat. I finished in 15:56 and felt good even though I had planned to do a 5 mile run over the weekend.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Bikila LS
Today I bought a pair of Blue/Grey Vibram fivefingers Bikila LS from Sun & Ski Sport in Dallas with a $40 credit I got for $18. I could not remember what size my first pair were and the label under the tongue had worn off. I tried on 42 and 43 and did the 15 ft walk and turn test. I picked the 43s. Ellen got the bug and ended up buying some Orange VFF Spyridon LS. They are more a trail running shoe and perfect for our yearly trip to Colorado.
Finally got this in the mail after sending in my challenge packet over 12 months ago.
For the first time ever my calves measure 16" (down an inch) and I am starting to see definintion.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Today is my day off and I have alot planned to do. I decided to get my workout done before I start working in the yard and running errands.
Shaved my legs to remove sticker burrs from weedeating the lawn/
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I took Winston with me for my 20 minute BFL style HIIT run. We did 2.26 miles. I found the fastest he can handle is an 8min/mi pace. Last week I only ran once and I had not run outside in 11 days. Ellen worked out on the elliptical and has exercised 3 days this week. I am proud of her developing a good routine even though she "Would give anything to go back to bed" this morning.
I hopped on the scale and I am back under 170 with a 1.6 pound fat loss for the week. This is my biggest loss since week 1 of our Primal Challenge 8 weeks ago.
Update: 7am I plugged in my HIIT run into my spreadsheet and this is my longest outdoor BFL stle HIIT I have done. I put all of my 20 min HIIT workoust since I started logging my runs in September 2010 into a separate worksheet and I made this chart. (Blue is treadmill and Green is outdoors).
Then I decided that the chart is slightly misleading due to the large gaps between workouts so I made this chart using the same data. I trained for a 10k Nov 10 till Jan 11. I took off a month in Jun/July 11. Then from Aug 11 to Feb 12 I was doing half/full marathon training. I plan to do a BFL HIIT workout once a week until the end of July.
I hopped on the scale and I am back under 170 with a 1.6 pound fat loss for the week. This is my biggest loss since week 1 of our Primal Challenge 8 weeks ago.
Update: 7am I plugged in my HIIT run into my spreadsheet and this is my longest outdoor BFL stle HIIT I have done. I put all of my 20 min HIIT workoust since I started logging my runs in September 2010 into a separate worksheet and I made this chart. (Blue is treadmill and Green is outdoors).
Then I decided that the chart is slightly misleading due to the large gaps between workouts so I made this chart using the same data. I trained for a 10k Nov 10 till Jan 11. I took off a month in Jun/July 11. Then from Aug 11 to Feb 12 I was doing half/full marathon training. I plan to do a BFL HIIT workout once a week until the end of July.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Biomechanics of Foot Strikes & Applications to Running Barefoot or in Minimal Footwear
This website has been developed to provide an evidence-based resource for those interested in the biomechanics of different foot strikes in endurance running and the applications to human endurance running prior to the modern running shoe.
Daniel E. Lieberman
In Daniel Lieberman's Skeletal Biology Lab, we have been investigating the biomechanics of endurance running, comparing habitually barefoot runners with runners who normally run in modern running shoes with built-up heels, stiff soles and arch support.
Here is a summary of our findings, which we explain with the aid of videos and images in the following pages:
Our research asked how and why humans can and did run comfortably without modern running shoes. We tested and confirmed what many people knew already: that most experienced, habitually barefoot runners tend to avoid landing on the heel and instead land with a forefoot or midfoot strike. The bulk of our published research explores the collisional mechanics of different kinds of foot strikes. We show that most forefoot and some midfoot strikes (shod or barefoot) do not generate the sudden, large impact transients that occur when you heel strike (shod or barefoot). Consequently, runners who forefoot or midfoot strike do not need shoes with elevated cushioned heels to cope with these sudden, high transient forces that occur when you land on the ground. Therefore, barefoot and minimally shod people can run easily on the hardest surfaces in the world without discomfort from landing. If impact transient forces contribute to some forms of injury, then this style of running (shod or barefoot) might have some benefits, but that hypothesis remains to be tested.
Lieberman DE, Venkadesan M, Werbel WA, Daoud AI, D'Andrea S, Davis IS, Mang'eni RO, Pitsiladis Y. (2010) Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Nature 463: 531-5.
Bramble DM and Lieberman, DE (2004) Endurance running and the Evolution of Homo. Nature. 432: 345-352.
Please note that we present no data on how people should run, whether shoes cause some injuries, or whether barefoot running causes other kinds of injuries. We believe there is a strong need for controlled, prospective studies on these issues.
This website provides information on:
- Human evolution and endurance running
- Foot and lower limb biomechanics when running in shoes
- Foot and lower limb biomechanics when running barefoot or in minimal shoes
- Biomechanical differences between forefoot striking and heel striking
- Tools to help assess potential benefits of learning to forefoot strike
- Transitioning safely to forefoot striking barefoot or in minimal footwear
Why Consider Foot Strike?
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