Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sodium and Water Rentention

Yesterday on an impulse I bought a 14.5 oz can of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs when I went to the grocery store yesterday. I got back to work and scarfed it down. I use to eat a can even lunch break when I worked at K-Mart 10 years ago. Now a days I am always reading nutrition labels so after I finished it I looked at the can.
520 Calories and 1500 mg of sodium
I have a hard time keeping my sodium intake under 2400 mg and this just sent to days intake sky high. I did some research and found that 3300 mg (3.3g) of sodium causes 1 liter (33.8 fl oz) of water retention[1]. 15.2 fl oz = 1 pound[2].
15.2/33.8 = .45
3300 x .45 = 1485

So 1485 mg = 1 lb of water retention

That explains why my morning weight was 0.6 lbs higher than a week ago. (I am in a family biggest loser contest) I plan to drink lots of water today and watch my sodium intake to flush the salt out of my system.

[1]"A total of about 1 litre of water is retained per 140 mmol (ca. 3.3 g) sodium" Hepatology: Textbook and Atlas by Erwin Kuntz and Hans-Dieter Kuntz

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