I have been a fairly active poster on
www.bodyforlife.com and on 3-22-10 the website was updated so that you can have forums instead of a guest book that disappears after 30 pages. Yesterday I decided to look and see what was going on this day year ago since we celebrated 1 year since the update on 3-22-11.
Here are some posts I enjoyed from 4-7-10
Posted by BryanL on 7 Apr 2010 8:50 AM
Good Morning!
Posted by Legs on 7 Apr 2010 9:02 AM
Morning BryanL - you back in the game?
Posted by BryanL on 7 Apr 2010 9:23 AM
Legs, yes I am back on track.
Scott, I am in week 3 of my second challenge. It is alot harder to stay motivated this time around. I think its the time change and weather and me feelings lazy. To be honest I have only done 1 cardio since I started again. (Justifying it in my head as a bulking phase "muscle building")
Posted by Faithful Renee on 7 Apr 2010 9:31 AM
Bryan ~
I started C2 Monday. I hear ya on the challenge 2 dilemma. I am still in the game, still committed, still following the plan...just don't feel as focused. Maybe that is a good thing. Just feels weird. I wrote down every meal as soon as I ate it in Challenge 1. Yesterday I had to post 3 meals at the same time. OK...so I'm thinking and typing at the same time. Lightbulb!!!! Maybe I'm feeling not as focused because it is more of an intuitive thought process to eat right, drink my water and exercise. Hmmmmm. Another abyss to cross. Cross it with me Bryan!!! Back in the game!
Posted by Legs on 7 Apr 2010 10:04 AM
Hey Ray, JamesK, Rosemary and Renee.
C2 - Renee and BryanL - the excitement has fizzled perhaps, you have proven to yourself you could do the 12 weeks. Now with C2 it is time to set the anchor and stay on course. It definately is a different ambition that will keep you grounded. Keep those voices talking to you! and keep posting and staying connected. For me, that is what helped. It wasnt always easy, but to see even more definition pop out is such a great reward. This CAN be for life.
Ray - have a great BFL day!
Posted by BryanL on 7 Apr 2010 10:51 AM
Legs, I just need to focus and look at this challenge from a different perspective. Motivation will come when I have a new reason. I had been overweight since middle school so being in shape is kinda a scary new thing so me and I weight less than I did in 8th grade. I am glad to have the support of this online community.
Posted by DebbieMO on 7 Apr 2010 10:54 AM
Bryan-Your pics and progress are great, keep up the good work...One of these days that brain will figure it out!!! We are here for you!
Ok, I finally got that morph pic made, but how do I upload the link to my page, it just showed a little box with and "x"....it is pretty cool! :) Thanks for the tech tip and site! ;)
Posted by Legs on 7 Apr 2010 10:58 AM
BryanL: I too have never had the 6pak or calves. I found my goals in a sense HAVE change now being in C3, however the main one for me it to get leg definition. The abs I have discovered (yes actually have permanent ab lines now) were just a bonus. And do you know why?? Because the damn paper towel is thicker on my legs than my abs and I didnt know that. So even though I am still working towards one end of the rainbow, I am picking up alot of gold on the way. I LIKE THAT. :)
MO: You are my type of crazy.
Posted by STEPHANIE-AL on 7 Apr 2010 11:20 AM
BryanL I read something interesting the other day. It was talking about how our mind sees us. It was on bflspirit and in the blog it asked questions Does your mind still see you overweight? We have to get our mind to see that this is how we are now and it is how we are going to continue to be. It was also mentioning convincing our minds that yes we do deserve to be this fit, happy person.
So get your game face on as Debs, Legs, and Patti are fond of saying, focus your mind on not only eating right and working out regularly including dreaded cardio, but also on that this is who you truly are and will continue to be--fit, healthy, and happy.
Posted by BryanL on 7 Apr 2010 11:38 AM
STEPHANIE-AL, You are so right and it is something I have been working on. I lost the weight physically faster than mentally.