Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 2 Part 2

I have tons on my mind and alot of energy today. I took my blood pressure before my morning coffee and it was 132/83 and a pulse of 59. I have noticed the higher my pulse is the lower my BP. Looking back on trying low carb/carb cycling a year and a half ago and my anger/hunger relationship I was not getting enough fat in my diet, Maybe 10% I am pretty low carb doing a paleo inspired nutrition plan and I do not get super hungry or anger and I have had plenty of energy to lift and do HIIT the last two days. This morning I took the last of my fiber supplements and my bloat away so it should be a fun day at work. During the honeymoon I used the scale at my uncles condo and I was about 177 and today I am about 185. I can tell that I am bloat and retaining water but I lost 0.3 pounds of fat in the last 5-6 days. Charlie posted a think in another forum about the Paleo diet that I found to be a good read. and he was trying to put me down and saying I am "brainwashed" by my new nutritional guideline plan. I found that this article supports what I am trying to do and this quote seems to fit in with my issue with grains.

"They claim that agriculture arrived on the scene only 10,000 or so years ago, so any foods produced as a result of the modern agricultural system should also be on the "banned" list because our bodies aren't genetically engineered to consume them.

The truth is, there are some starchy carbohydrates and grains which are very minimally processed or completely unprocessed.

Furthermore, some people can metabolically handle starches and grains just fine, while others cannot (many obese sedentary individuals are likely to have metabolic syndrome and not handle concentrated carbs very well, even natural ones). "

Right now I am at about 145 pounds lean body mass and at one point I had 160 pounds lean body mass (but I weighed 233). When I first start BFL in December 2009 I had 144 pound lean body mass. It seems that my main enemy is that I either focus on running or I focus on body building. I can tell that I have a more developed chest shoulder and larger arms yet the same LBM but also I think my legs are leaner with less mass. I am a short guy standing only 5'6.5" but I have 17 inch calves. Am I really cutting my progress short by trying to be a body builder from the waist up and a runner from the waist down? Am I slowly becoming prison buff?

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