6:30am Protein Smoothie (4 Strawberries, 5 blueberries, coconut milk, 100% egg proteing 24g)
9:30am 3 hard boiled eggs (Omega 3 enriched)
11am 13 almonds
12pm bowl of homemade chili (ground beef, low sodium tomato sauce, paprika, black pepper, chili powder, red pepper, hot sauce)
215pm 13 almonds
3pm Chicken Breast
4pm 26 almonds
7pm 2 hard boiled eggs, shrimp and veggie curry, small hand full of almonds
6am Protein Smoothie (4 Strawberries, 8 blueberries, coconut milk, 100% egg proteing 24g)
845am 3 hard boiled eggs (Omega 3 enriched)
945am 13 almonds
1145am Chipotle Salad (Lettuce, chicken, hot salsa, pico de gallo, guacamole)
2pm 13 almonds
3pm bowl of homemade chili
7pm Salad (Spinach, 2 eggs(OM3), 1/2 small chicken breast, goat cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinegar)
6:30am Protein Smoothie (4 Strawberries, 8 blueberries, coconut milk, 100% egg proteing 24g)
9am 3 hard boiled eggs (Omega 3 enriched)
1045am 13 almonds
11:30am chicken breast
1pm 23 almonds
3pm can of pink salmon and small serving chili
4pm 13 almonds
515pm 7 almonds
7pm Chicken breast and veggies
7am Protein Smoothie (4 Strawberries, coconut milk, 100% egg proteing 24g)
915AM 3 hard boiled eggs (Omega 3 enriched)
1015am 13 almonds
12pm 3 turkey sausage (2oz) and carrots
145pm carrots and guacamole
330pm 14 almonds
6PM ?
9PM ?